I need to start this post with a warning. Do not purchase the Petco brand soft carrier for use with cats! A couple of days ago was Kaida's first vet visit. She didn't put up much of a fight going into the carrier, but she quickly discovered an easy escape route. The top of the carrier doesn't zip all the way around. The 4th side instead fastens with a tiny turn lock; however, there are still about 2 inches of unsecured space on either side of the lock. This is just enough space for a 4-month-old kitten to poke her head through, followed by her entire body. We ended up having to duct tape the thing closed! What a way to make a first impression at the vet...
Other than the carrier issues the first vet visit went very well. I learned that Kaida was born on February 1st. I also learned that she weighs just over 3 pounds, a little small for her 4 months. But it's nothing to worry about. All in all, Kaida received two shots, an application of a flea/tick/de-worming topical medication, and (most importantly) a nail trim. She goes back in another month for another set of booster shots, because her second round came a bit later than it should have.
In other news, Kaida has also made her first foray into the great outdoors. We managed to get the "come with me kitty" harness and leash on her, and she didn't put up much of a fight. With the great weather we've been having the past few days, we decided she should experience it too.
We were only outside for a few minutes, but I think she did very well for the first time. I've noticed her becoming a lot more independent over the past few days. She is showing interest in toys without our involvement. And I'm hearing less meowing outside my door at night. I think we're making progress!
First Vet Visit and More...
Posted by
Mary the Mysterious Voice
on Saturday, May 28, 2011
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Sometimes A Little Goes A Long Way
Posted by
Mary the Mysterious Voice
on Wednesday, May 25, 2011
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Things have improved immensely since my last post, and I owe it all to one thing. Kaida (or as my father now refers to her, Wynona) now spends every night downstairs as opposed to in my bedroom. A few sources have told me that cats work out territory based on a time share arrangement; therefore, I've been trying to play to that with convincing her to spend evenings downstairs. Kaida still has access to my bedroom during the day, while I'm awake. Once the sun goes down, however, she's out.
I feel incredibly guilty about this, only because I originally introduced my bedroom to her as her "safe" room. Now she's not allowed in it for 8+ hours out of every day. But honestly, I feel like our relationship will be much better if I'm able to get a good night's sleep without paws all over my face and meowing in my ear. I'm much more eager to see her in the morning, as opposed to being eager to escape from her.The air conditioner issue also influenced the decision. Once July and August hit I'm going to need the air on, period. I don't need her peeing on my bed because she's afraid of the air conditioner.
She does sit outside my door and meow for a few minutes at different times during the night. An online source recommended using the requisite spray bottle of water and spritzing her underneath the door when she whines. One thing I'm getting better at is distinguishing between "talking" aka a normal meow and "whining" and only disciplining the latter.
She is still very much a lap kitten. Tonight I came home from a 12-hour work day, and was told by my mother that she had slept for pretty much all of the afternoon. So once I had finished dinner, I tossed some toys for her and sat down on the couch, expecting to be chucking toy mice across the room for awhile. Instead, she hopped up on the couch and curled up in my lap. I moved to the floor eventually to entice her to play (knowing full well what her sleeping now would mean for the overnight hours) and she curled up between my crossed legs. Honestly, when she's whining for attention all I need to do is sit down.
Tomorrow we go to the vet for the first time. I have a list of questions all set! We'll see how it goes.
Remind Me Why Again....
Posted by
Mary the Mysterious Voice
on Monday, May 23, 2011
Comments: (0)
Kaida has now been home for two days. Most of what I said in the last post is still true. However, Kaida and I are having some growing pains as we adjust to life with one another. Currently, she has two nicknames. One is still "Shadow." The other is "Whiny". She meows constantly, and loudly, for no reason whatsoever. And her meows increase in intensity if they're ignored. It goes from soft, normal meowing to loud wailing/crying, to her using me or my mother as a climbing tree to try and get what she wants, whatever the hell that is. God knows the has every kind of toy imaginable, plenty of food and water, and two highly accessible litter boxes. She also is not lacking in the attention department.
The lack of sleep is becoming a major issue. Yesterday, we let her out of her "safe room" which due to lack of available free space is my bedroom. I would have much rather had her in a guest bedroom or bath as was suggested by various sources but we don't have any. She seemed to be comfortable enough, and we moved her scratcher down there along with about half of her toys so she wouldn't be bored. She still doesn't show a lot of interest in toys without us facilitating it, though. She darts after whatever we throw, but then just leaves it. Anyway, my plan was to have last night be her first night downstairs. It was easier to ignore her cries when they were coming from farther away; however, when I had to leave my bedroom in the middle of the night (after all, my litter box is in a different room) all bets were off. She saw me and once again was stuck to me like glue-at least she tried to be. I managed to get her out of my bedroom again, but she began scratching and thumping against the door. My secondary concern in all of this is that her antics will wake up my parents, and I knew that having her wail outside my door would certainly do so. So I let her back in.
Unfortunately, when I let her back in I forgot to do something else. See, Kaida is afraid of my air conditioner. My air conditioner is what I use to filter the air in my bedroom. When I assumed that she'd be spending the night downstairs I turned it on. I forgot to turn it off when I let her back in. This wouldn't have made that much of a difference except for the fact that the air conditioner is in a window directly over her litter box.
Had I not been trying to ignore her walking all over my head in an attempt to wake me up, I probably would have noticed some of the tell-tale signs of a cat about to "do it's business". But all I felt was some scratching, then a sudden burst of warmth. Needless to say, she was out of the bedroom again after that until the Nature's Miracle had done it's job.
The other problem (although it's kind of related to the lack of sleep) has been that up until this afternoon she would not let me be more than 5 feet away from her. It doesn't matter what she's doing. If I get up to walk out of the room, she follows. Actually, she doesn't follow. She darts ahead of me, then stops and turns back. I take another step, and she darts again. To get out of the house to go to work this morning, I had to first sequester her in my bedroom while I finished getting ready then throw a ball as hard as I could in the opposite direction to distract her while I snuck out the door. As flattered as I am that she loves me this much, the reason I got a cat was because I wanted a pet that would be more independent.
Today (after shoving my comforter, sheets, and blankets in the laundry) I left Kaida alone for the first time for more than 90 minutes. My mother left for work at 6 and didn't return until 3. I left at 7:30 and didn't return until 2:30. Prior to bringing her home, I thought I would never want to leave the house once she arrived. But this morning, after a full 24 hours of listening to constant meowing I couldn't wait to go to work!
My father asked me yesterday if I was having second thoughts after the night of lost sleep. I guess that is technically true; I am re-evaluating my decision to bring this animal home. I'm not at the point where I'm thinking "Get this thing out of here now" but I am having thoughts of "Remind me why I did this again?" The thing I've discovered about bringing home a pet is that no matter how much research you do, no matter how many pet-owner friends you ask or how many websites or books you read, nothing can prepare you for having that animal in your home and the resulting changes in your life. Maybe by having her downstairs at night I'll be able to get the space I need so that I can enjoy the time we spend together. Just taking the time out to write this blog post has helped somewhat, and by the time I left work today I was once again excited about coming home to see her.
I also realize that it's only been two days. I have never taken to change well, and this is requiring a change in every way, shape, and form. I'm taking her to the vet on Thursday, and plan to bring up the constant crying and the shadowing. According to reports, most of this behavior should stop as she settles in. I'm counting the days...
The lack of sleep is becoming a major issue. Yesterday, we let her out of her "safe room" which due to lack of available free space is my bedroom. I would have much rather had her in a guest bedroom or bath as was suggested by various sources but we don't have any. She seemed to be comfortable enough, and we moved her scratcher down there along with about half of her toys so she wouldn't be bored. She still doesn't show a lot of interest in toys without us facilitating it, though. She darts after whatever we throw, but then just leaves it. Anyway, my plan was to have last night be her first night downstairs. It was easier to ignore her cries when they were coming from farther away; however, when I had to leave my bedroom in the middle of the night (after all, my litter box is in a different room) all bets were off. She saw me and once again was stuck to me like glue-at least she tried to be. I managed to get her out of my bedroom again, but she began scratching and thumping against the door. My secondary concern in all of this is that her antics will wake up my parents, and I knew that having her wail outside my door would certainly do so. So I let her back in.
Unfortunately, when I let her back in I forgot to do something else. See, Kaida is afraid of my air conditioner. My air conditioner is what I use to filter the air in my bedroom. When I assumed that she'd be spending the night downstairs I turned it on. I forgot to turn it off when I let her back in. This wouldn't have made that much of a difference except for the fact that the air conditioner is in a window directly over her litter box.
Had I not been trying to ignore her walking all over my head in an attempt to wake me up, I probably would have noticed some of the tell-tale signs of a cat about to "do it's business". But all I felt was some scratching, then a sudden burst of warmth. Needless to say, she was out of the bedroom again after that until the Nature's Miracle had done it's job.
The other problem (although it's kind of related to the lack of sleep) has been that up until this afternoon she would not let me be more than 5 feet away from her. It doesn't matter what she's doing. If I get up to walk out of the room, she follows. Actually, she doesn't follow. She darts ahead of me, then stops and turns back. I take another step, and she darts again. To get out of the house to go to work this morning, I had to first sequester her in my bedroom while I finished getting ready then throw a ball as hard as I could in the opposite direction to distract her while I snuck out the door. As flattered as I am that she loves me this much, the reason I got a cat was because I wanted a pet that would be more independent.
Today (after shoving my comforter, sheets, and blankets in the laundry) I left Kaida alone for the first time for more than 90 minutes. My mother left for work at 6 and didn't return until 3. I left at 7:30 and didn't return until 2:30. Prior to bringing her home, I thought I would never want to leave the house once she arrived. But this morning, after a full 24 hours of listening to constant meowing I couldn't wait to go to work!
My father asked me yesterday if I was having second thoughts after the night of lost sleep. I guess that is technically true; I am re-evaluating my decision to bring this animal home. I'm not at the point where I'm thinking "Get this thing out of here now" but I am having thoughts of "Remind me why I did this again?" The thing I've discovered about bringing home a pet is that no matter how much research you do, no matter how many pet-owner friends you ask or how many websites or books you read, nothing can prepare you for having that animal in your home and the resulting changes in your life. Maybe by having her downstairs at night I'll be able to get the space I need so that I can enjoy the time we spend together. Just taking the time out to write this blog post has helped somewhat, and by the time I left work today I was once again excited about coming home to see her.
I also realize that it's only been two days. I have never taken to change well, and this is requiring a change in every way, shape, and form. I'm taking her to the vet on Thursday, and plan to bring up the constant crying and the shadowing. According to reports, most of this behavior should stop as she settles in. I'm counting the days...
The First 24 Hours
Posted by
Mary the Mysterious Voice
on Sunday, May 22, 2011
Comments: (0)
She's home!
The past 24 hours have been interesting, to say the least. I picked Kaida (yes, I'm still using her original name for now) up at around 4pm yesterday. She cried a little bit on the ride home, but all in all she was very, very brave.
We were warned by pretty much every source imaginable that she would be frightened once we got her home, and that she might hide for hours or days. That didn't end up happening. She was out of the carrier within 2 minutes, and within 10 minutes was alternating between my and my mother's laps.
Kaida is, by all accounts, a lap kitten. All I have to do is sit on the floor cross-legged, and she settles herself right in the opening between my legs.
So far she's doing almost everything right. She hasn't made one scratching mistake; in fact she was on the Petstages scratcher within a few minutes.
She hasn't shown much interest in the toys yet, though. The only way I can get her playing is to tap or shake the toys over her. As soon as I drop them, she quickly looses interest in them. I'm wondering if that will change once she begins to be left alone. She hasn't had more than 90 minutes completely to herself since arriving home.
The only problem we've had so far has been at night. I got almost no sleep last night because of the constant crying and meowing. I know she's a Siamese, and they are incredibly vocal. I also know that she was probably experiencing separation anxiety, and because of this I was very conflicted about how I should react to her cries. I read that I shouldn't give in to her pleads that I get up and interact with her, that doing so would only reinforce the behavior and encourage her to meow loudly to get what she wants. But at the same time, she was a crying baby spending her first night away from her mom. I gave in a couple of times early in the night, but eventually I drew the comforter over my head in an attempt to ignore her.
Her cries didn't die down once I got up in the morning, and we soon became aware of a new problem. She hadn't used the litter box yet. Now, she hadn't missed the box either, and we had clearly seen her both eating and drinking water the evening before. As it turned out, all we had to do was turn off the very old air conditioner running in the window above the box. Once we put her in the box after the air conditioner was off, she used it without a problem. She's used the box twice now, but both times she meowed constantly and waited until I set her in the box. I really won't be convinced of her litter box habits until I see her walk to the box and use it on her own.
Here's hoping for a better night's sleep tonight!
18 Hours and Counting! The Final Set-Up...
Posted by
Mary the Mysterious Voice
on Friday, May 20, 2011
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This is it! Tomorrow night at this time there will be a new furry baby in my life! Of course, I do still have a graduation ceremony to sit through tomorrow morning first, which means that tonight is my last opportunity to get things set up. The exception to this is food; I won't be putting that out until right before I leave to pick her up. But things like litter and final kitten-proofing have to be accomplished tonight.
I think I have a pretty good set-up going here. I'm following the advice of at least a dozen pet care websites detailing how a kitten's "safe-room" should be prepared.
The first section of my bedroom houses one of two scratchers, the carrier, and the dining setup. Eventually, the dining setup will probably be relocated to our kitchen once we allow the cat to have the run of the house throughout the day. (Don't ask me how I plan to go about doing that-we'll cross that bridge when we get there). For now, she'll eat in here.
I think I have a pretty good set-up going here. I'm following the advice of at least a dozen pet care websites detailing how a kitten's "safe-room" should be prepared.
The first section of my bedroom houses one of two scratchers, the carrier, and the dining setup. Eventually, the dining setup will probably be relocated to our kitchen once we allow the cat to have the run of the house throughout the day. (Don't ask me how I plan to go about doing that-we'll cross that bridge when we get there). For now, she'll eat in here.
Underneath the desk is a 3-drawer plastic chest that used to hold my hairbrushes, lotions, etc, (Yes, I cleaned it before putting the cat stuff in there.) The middle drawer holds all of the smaller, stuffed toys and balls.
The bottom drawer holds grooming supplies, harnesses, and leashes.
Alongside the desk are two new ClosetMaid shelving units stacked on top of one another. The bottom one has a door, while the top is just open shelving. On the top shelves are the litter scoops, waste bags, litter deodorizer, lint rollers, and deterrents (both spray and Sticky Paws)
I decided to keep her food and litter in the unit with a closing door. I don't want her getting into either one while I'm away.
I ran across a problem, however, when I went to fill the litter box. I opened my box of liners to discover that we purchased the wrong size. Our boxes are nowhere near big enough for these "jumbo" liners to fit snugly. In fact, the entire box fit inside the liner-I could have tied it inside the bag.
Being the creative problem solver that I am, I devised a temporary solution. Since we bought two identical boxes that sit inside each other perfectly, I simply tucked the liner inside the second box to hold it in place. When we eventually let the cat downstairs and require a second litter box, I'll pop over to Petco or somewhere else and pick up two more litter pans to accomplish the same goal. This way, we can avoid throwing out the liners and we have spare litter boxes.
I think my solution worked pretty well. I did. however, discover a side effect of this litter when I put my hand on my jeans...
That litter mat better work! No more boring set-up pictures from here on out, I promise!
What's In A Name?
Posted by
Mary the Mysterious Voice
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First things first. If you have been following this blog from the beginning (although there probably aren't very many of you out there) you may have noticed that this blog has undergone a name change. It's rather appropriate. I'm less than 24 hours away from bringing my kitten home (see the next post for more on my preparations), and names are certainly on my mind.
I still have no idea what my kitten's "official" name will be. Ok, that's not entirely true. I do have some ideas. I just haven't been able to commit to any of them (By commit, I mean tell the receptionist at the vet's office so that she will be listed by that name in their files. Right now she's still "Kitten 1" in their office, as she has been since going for her first vaccines with her brother and sisters.)
Right now, her "birth family" is calling her Kaida. Kaida is the Chinese word for adorable according to Google Translator; since the kittens were Siamese, they decided they should have Asian names. I actually am not 100% sure on the spelling, since they never wrote any of the kittens' names down. (Hence the "Kitten 1" moniker at the vet). Through research, I also discovered that Kaida (with that spelling) is a Japanese name meaning "little dragon".
There are two reasons why I am not 100% committed to sticking with Kaida. It's an adorable name (no pun intended) and the Japanese translation is appropriate as well seeing as my birth year was a year of the dragon in the Chinese zodiac; however, that name has some not-so-nice connotations. At least half of the people I've said the name to reply "As in Al?" I don't want people thinking my cat's a terrorist. And obviously, I want to choose my kitten's name. Kaida, as cute as it is, was chosen for me.
However, if when I bring her home she responds to me calling her Kaida, then game over. It's her name. If anything, I'll drop the "D" and call her Kyah. But if she doesn't respond to Kaida yet, I have some other ideas as well.
Amethyst: My birthstone, and also because she appears to be a lilac point Siamese
Meadow: Suggested by a co-worker at my other job. Upon discovering my love of Twilight, she gave me a few suggestions. Meadow comes from the famous dream that Stephenie Meyer had that inspired the books. I did entertain the idea of naming the cat Bella or even naming it Twilight, but that seems a little too much like a crazy fan-girl thing to do. Meadow would be a way to give her a Twilight-inspired name that wasn't so obvious.
Also along those lines was Esme. Esme is the name of a relatively minor character in the Twilight saga (Edward's adopted vampire mother). I've always liked that name, and it's not all that common as a human name anymore.
Diamond because of her coat color
Jasmine after the character from Aladdin
Icy or Frost based on her coat color
Latte The last pet we had (who died about five years ago) was a guinea pig named Espresso. I kind of
want to continue our coffee theme.
Starbucks for the same reason
Again, all this brainstorming might be in vain. For all I know, I might walk into her birth family's house tomorrow afternoon and say "Kaida", and she might respond to me as well as to her familiar people. But either way, I hope to have an answer soon. I don't want her to be known as "Kitten 1" by the vet much longer.
I still have no idea what my kitten's "official" name will be. Ok, that's not entirely true. I do have some ideas. I just haven't been able to commit to any of them (By commit, I mean tell the receptionist at the vet's office so that she will be listed by that name in their files. Right now she's still "Kitten 1" in their office, as she has been since going for her first vaccines with her brother and sisters.)
Right now, her "birth family" is calling her Kaida. Kaida is the Chinese word for adorable according to Google Translator; since the kittens were Siamese, they decided they should have Asian names. I actually am not 100% sure on the spelling, since they never wrote any of the kittens' names down. (Hence the "Kitten 1" moniker at the vet). Through research, I also discovered that Kaida (with that spelling) is a Japanese name meaning "little dragon".
There are two reasons why I am not 100% committed to sticking with Kaida. It's an adorable name (no pun intended) and the Japanese translation is appropriate as well seeing as my birth year was a year of the dragon in the Chinese zodiac; however, that name has some not-so-nice connotations. At least half of the people I've said the name to reply "As in Al?" I don't want people thinking my cat's a terrorist. And obviously, I want to choose my kitten's name. Kaida, as cute as it is, was chosen for me.
However, if when I bring her home she responds to me calling her Kaida, then game over. It's her name. If anything, I'll drop the "D" and call her Kyah. But if she doesn't respond to Kaida yet, I have some other ideas as well.
Amethyst: My birthstone, and also because she appears to be a lilac point Siamese
Meadow: Suggested by a co-worker at my other job. Upon discovering my love of Twilight, she gave me a few suggestions. Meadow comes from the famous dream that Stephenie Meyer had that inspired the books. I did entertain the idea of naming the cat Bella or even naming it Twilight, but that seems a little too much like a crazy fan-girl thing to do. Meadow would be a way to give her a Twilight-inspired name that wasn't so obvious.
Also along those lines was Esme. Esme is the name of a relatively minor character in the Twilight saga (Edward's adopted vampire mother). I've always liked that name, and it's not all that common as a human name anymore.
Diamond because of her coat color
Jasmine after the character from Aladdin
Icy or Frost based on her coat color
Latte The last pet we had (who died about five years ago) was a guinea pig named Espresso. I kind of
want to continue our coffee theme.
Starbucks for the same reason
Again, all this brainstorming might be in vain. For all I know, I might walk into her birth family's house tomorrow afternoon and say "Kaida", and she might respond to me as well as to her familiar people. But either way, I hope to have an answer soon. I don't want her to be known as "Kitten 1" by the vet much longer.
Shopping Time!
Posted by
Mary the Mysterious Voice
on Saturday, May 14, 2011
Comments: (0)
Two major events have occurred since I last updated this blog. The first one is that I have an official date set for bringing my kitty home! She will be joining my family exactly one week from today. I requested off from one of my two jobs (the one that I primarily work afternoons and evenings) for both next Saturday and Sunday. While there is still a possibility that I will have to work Sunday morning, I will be able to be home most if not all of her first 36 hours in my house.
Which brings me to the second major event that occurred. Being that I'm now a week out from bringing the kitten home (although apparently the "kitten" label isn't a definite thing; more on that later) I decided today was the day to finish accumulating all of the supplies I'm going to need.
I've been researching supplies since about mid-April, and by doing so I discovered that pet supplies is one area where more information is not necessarily an asset. The more I shopped around on different websites, the more confused I got. Should I get a covered litter box, or an open one? If I buy a carpet-covered scratching post, will the cat learn to scratch the carpet on my floor? And how much does that cat tree cost? For heaven's sake, it's some rope and carpet wrapped around some wood! This one's cheaper, but is it too small? And don't even get me started on food and litter.
So, when my mother and I walked into our local Petco a couple of weeks ago to begin our cat-shopping adventure, we were more than a little overwhelmed.
Food bowls! But this discovery brought with it an array of choices. Should we get a two-for-one feeder? How big should the bowl be? How deep? Plastic, metal, or ceramic? In the end, we selected the butterfly bowl in the photo above for her food, and the slightly deeper blue bowl for water. Both bowls are ceramic. The mat I picked up a few days later.
We knew we would need litter boxes too, of course. But that proved to be an even harder decision than the food bowls. How big? Covered or open? Liners or no? My mother initially grabbed a tiny litter pan, but then I expressed concern that eventually the cat would grow out of it. We had the opposite concern about the "jumbo" pans next to it on the shelf; she might be able to use it eventually, but it was much too big for her right now. We managed to find two "medium" litter boxes (though they were not labeled as such). It's pretty generous in width and length, but the sides are not too high. Hopefully it will work.
The most entertaining part of the afternoon was when we arrived at the display of "behavioral aids" and stain removers. For people that have never owned a cat, some of the names of these products are downright hilarious. My mother thought this one was especially funny:
Our last purchase of that first trip was a carrier. Again, I have to bring up the bias towards dogs. It took us forever and a day to find the carriers in Petco because they were all in the dog section. Absolutely no carriers were in the cat section at all. I realize that many carriers are suitable for dogs and cats, but then why not have them in an area between the two sections? Carriers were all the way across the store from the cat supplies, next to the aisle of dog food. Anyway, I digress. Like with the food bowls and the litter boxes, my mother and I stared blankly at the display of soft carriers before selecting a blue one still folded up and wrapped in plastic.
Next up we have the litter situation...
Which brings me to the second major event that occurred. Being that I'm now a week out from bringing the kitten home (although apparently the "kitten" label isn't a definite thing; more on that later) I decided today was the day to finish accumulating all of the supplies I'm going to need.
I've been researching supplies since about mid-April, and by doing so I discovered that pet supplies is one area where more information is not necessarily an asset. The more I shopped around on different websites, the more confused I got. Should I get a covered litter box, or an open one? If I buy a carpet-covered scratching post, will the cat learn to scratch the carpet on my floor? And how much does that cat tree cost? For heaven's sake, it's some rope and carpet wrapped around some wood! This one's cheaper, but is it too small? And don't even get me started on food and litter.
So, when my mother and I walked into our local Petco a couple of weeks ago to begin our cat-shopping adventure, we were more than a little overwhelmed.
Our first discovery is that the pet retail market is incredibly biased towards dogs. We had to walk past aisle after aisle of dog supplies before finally locating the "cat" section of the store, which was easily half the size. "This isn't fair..." my mother said as we pushed our cart past aisles of dog treats, food, and toys before finally seeing something made for cats (or so the label claimed).
My cat's future dining set-up at home. |
We knew we would need litter boxes too, of course. But that proved to be an even harder decision than the food bowls. How big? Covered or open? Liners or no? My mother initially grabbed a tiny litter pan, but then I expressed concern that eventually the cat would grow out of it. We had the opposite concern about the "jumbo" pans next to it on the shelf; she might be able to use it eventually, but it was much too big for her right now. We managed to find two "medium" litter boxes (though they were not labeled as such). It's pretty generous in width and length, but the sides are not too high. Hopefully it will work.
The most entertaining part of the afternoon was when we arrived at the display of "behavioral aids" and stain removers. For people that have never owned a cat, some of the names of these products are downright hilarious. My mother thought this one was especially funny:
Our last purchase of that first trip was a carrier. Again, I have to bring up the bias towards dogs. It took us forever and a day to find the carriers in Petco because they were all in the dog section. Absolutely no carriers were in the cat section at all. I realize that many carriers are suitable for dogs and cats, but then why not have them in an area between the two sections? Carriers were all the way across the store from the cat supplies, next to the aisle of dog food. Anyway, I digress. Like with the food bowls and the litter boxes, my mother and I stared blankly at the display of soft carriers before selecting a blue one still folded up and wrapped in plastic.
It turned out that this was the generic "Petco" brand carrier, labeled (of course) as "Petco Carrier for Dogs". Set up at home, it looks sturdy and comfortable enough. We'll see how well the "store brand" works for us here.
Of course, we still needed a lot of stuff. Food to put in the bowls, litter to put in the boxes, and stuff for the cat to scratch, play with, and sleep in. When all was said and done, here is what we ended up with.
For scratching, I got both the "Easy Life Hammock and Scratcher" from Petstages and the "Tower" from Kitty City. Of course, the tower required assembly, but it was the "no-tools required" kind of assembly. All I had to do was push hollow pipes into plastic joints to assemble the frame. I also stuffed a throw blanket in the bottom to give the cubical a little more structure. The Petstages scratcher slid together easily enough. Now the only test will be if she scratches at them!
How the Kitty City Tower comes out of the box |
"World's Best Cat Litter" was recommended to my mother by a friend of hers. I read online that it can be dicy trying to change litters on a cat, but according to my co-worker they switch litters all the time in their house. I'm only concerned about this litter because it is made of corn instead of the clay that most "mass-market" brands are made with. But this litter has some amazing reviews out there, so hopefully this kitten will learn to appreciate "going green".
Now, the fun stuff....
Toys!!! I've already decided that this kitten is going to be incredibly spoiled where toys are concerned. Some of the cat toys out there are just too adorable! Seriously, I wouldn't mind having one of those as a decoration in my house for springtime. I actually gave this one of my co-worker for her to introduce to the cat now; hopefully it will make the transition easier to bring home a toy that's familiar to her. Apparently she's loving it.
Like with the behavioral aids, I'm finding the names of some of these toys to be hysterical. When I showed my mother the teaser on the right and laughed at the name "Da Bird", my mother joked that we should call it "Da Angry Bird" (a current obsession of my father's).
Even though I had two teasers already, I couldn't pass this one up when I saw it at Target. Some of the stuff designed especially for kittens is even harder to resist.
All in all, I ended up with an assortment of toys, most of of "stuffed" variety. I also bought a treat-dispenser ball, and in the top right corner of the photo you can see the purple, floral collar I picked up as well.
Speaking of collars, I also picked up two of the "Come with Me Kitty" harness and leash sets. Why two? Well, that brings me back to that whole "kitten" label thing. See, another thing I've learned is that with the exception of the pet food market, cats stop being "kittens" for sizing purposes at around 4 months old-exactly the age that mine will be coming home. This really was only an issue with two products; this one and the "Soft Paws" nail caps. I purchased small Soft Paws instead of kitten-sized, as the back of the package said that the kitten size was for cats up to 16 weeks old. But for the harness, there was only one "kitten/small" size offered-the next one up was medium. When I got the small harness home and took it out of the box, I was concerned that the kitten would grow out of it too quickly. On my next trip to the store, I picked up a medium one as well. (For the record, the medium one is blue.)
Fortunately, my cat is a Siamese and won't require much in the way of grooming; however, I figured a brush and nail clipper was in order. I'm just hoping I got the right kind of brush.
And finally, the random accessories. My mother picked out the "Sticky Paws" on our first outing. I've heard it works great, but am hesitant to use it because obviously, anything that's going to make fabric sticky to cats will make it sticky to people as well. I don't think we really want Sticky Drapes or a Sticky Couch. I picked out the "No-Scratch" Spray. The ingredients seem harmless (the biggest one is lemon extract) and when I did a test spray it didn't smell off-putting to my human nose. I also picked out a "grow your own cat grass" dish, which I should probably start growing soon if I want there to be grass when she gets home...
In the interest of full disclosure, we also picked up a bag of Purina Kitten Chow (the food she's currently eating), a packet of treats, and a box of litter box liners. I just didn't photograph those items.
In the interest of full disclosure, we also picked up a bag of Purina Kitten Chow (the food she's currently eating), a packet of treats, and a box of litter box liners. I just didn't photograph those items.
I've never had kids, but I'm already starting to understand why people feel like their pets are their children. I haven't even brought this cat home yet and already I can't help looking for toys for her whenever I go to Wal-Mart, Target, or just the grocery store. I want her to have everything I can possibly give her, especially since I know I won't be able to be home with her all the time.
At least for now, though, the shopping is finally over with. Now on to the next big challenge: finally deciding on a name!
About Me...And About Her
Posted by
Mary the Mysterious Voice
on Monday, May 09, 2011
Comments: (0)
For my first official entry here, I thought I'd give a little bit of background about myself. Hopefully this will enlighten anyone out there who may read this about why this is such an epic undertaking for me.
First of all, I'm 23 years old, and that means that I grew up in the 1990's. As a result, I was programmed to never share very much personal information in a public online setting. So as far as identification goes, that's about as much as you're going to get. (Besides, of course, my first name being a part of my profile title...)
What I am willing to share is that I am a recent college graduate, having received my degree one year ago this month. At this point, I'm still living at home after graduating. I currently work two part-time jobs, one retail and one food service. The retail job is new, the food service one I've had since the day of my high school graduation. All things considered, I only work a typical average of 40 hours a week; those 40 hours are just more spread out than most peoples'.
As far as my experience as a pet owner goes I have very little, especially when it comes to "free-roaming" animals. As a child, my family owned our fair share of guinea pigs, goldfish, and rats (yes, rats) but we never owned any pets that weren't safely confined to cages or aquariums when we weren't around to watch them.
Like most kids, my younger brother and I always wanted a dog. Well, my brother always wanted a dog. I wavered between the dog and cat requests during my adolescence. I pushed for it harder around the 8th grade mark or so. But there were always a myriad of reasons why a dog or cat wasn't for us. In hindsight, most of these reasons were 100% valid.
Lately, though, I began to detect a change in the air in my house. My mom had been going back and forth on the cat subject for awhile when one night at work I overheard a co-worker of mine discussing how she was trying to find homes for her recent litter of kittens. I told her I would ask. To make a long story short, after about a month of discussions and research, plus a visit to meet the kittens and their parents (both human and animal) we are bringing home a 16-week-old female Siamese kitten in approximately 2 weeks.
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The whole litter when they were much smaller...mine is the one without the brown face. |
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Take on the day I went to meet her |
This kitten was born into a house as one of 4 in her litter, with both parents under the same roof as well. In addition, the family has one additional cat and a dog, plus six humans. I'm concerned that she'll get to my house and be freaked out by the lack of noise.
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The most recent picture I have |