Fun and Games

             Things are going really, really well. Kaida is pretty much settled in, and is overall a well-behaved kitty. She doesn't really scratch at "forbidden" objects, although I have noticed some pulling from her jumping onto and off of furniture. She rarely intentionally claws objects other than her scratchers, and even then a few good strokes with each paw are enough to satisfy her. Her "scratch" need is very easily fulfilled. 
             She also hasn't shown very much, if any, aggression. I have next to no scratch marks on my hands and arms. I do, however, have a few good ones on my legs and back thanks to one of Kaida's favorite games.
             Kaida is too little at this point to launch herself onto our kitchen counters. So, whenever anyone is in the kitchen (whether it be to make a meal or clean up or simply watch TV) she will wander around our feet and meow to be picked up. If we do not respond appropriately to this request (hey, it's hard to eat breakfast with a kitten in one arm!) she then plays a game I have named "Human Ladder".
            "Human Ladder" works thusly. Kaida launches herself upward and digs her claws into either your leg or your back to get a grip. Then she pulls herself up until she can jump from you onto whatever elevated surface she was eyeing from the floor. Kaida only "wins" about one out of every 5 games of "Human Ladder" because usually the shock of kitty claws suddenly digging into my thigh or back is enough to make me jerk, and that jerk is enough to cause her to lose her grip (especially since the vet gave her a much-needed nail trimming). But the odds being against her doesn't stop Kaida from trying at every opportunity. 
            Of course, we have also found many games that are fun for Kaida and us alike. A new one I have named "the shadow game", This is best broken out during the 15% of the day when Kaida is, for lack of a better term, possessed. I walk from one corner of our first floor to the other, and Kaida sprints back and forth to catch up with me. In one corner is an old rocking chair, and she'll literally launch herself into the chair so fast that she rocks herself. This game is especially good for using up extra energy when my arm is sore from dangling cat teasers above her head. About 20 rounds of "shadow" is enough to tire her out. 
        I've also started working with Kaida on some clicker training. It was slow going at first, which I'm sure was because of me and not her. But right now we're working on two commands (coming when her name is called and standing up on two legs) and I'd say it's going pretty well. She's about 80% of the way there on coming when I call her name. Getting her attention is the hardest part of that one. I just started the "up" trick tonight, and although she did it every time I don't know how much of her response was because she was going directly after the treat in my hand rather than working for the clicker sound. 
       No pictures tonight, sorry. It's hard to manage a camera when you've got a clicker in one hand and a handful of treats in the other. More pictures in the next post!