You Won't Believe This...

You guys won't believe this. Check this out...

We've been freaking robbed! I'm not sure when it happened, but it must have been when the people locked me in Younger Mom's bedroom yesterday afternoon. I could hear all this banging outside the door, and when I was finally allowed to come out this is what I found in the living room. 

And you know what? The people don't seem to care! I've been meowing my lungs out about it, trying to tell them that hey, somebody took my couch, but they seem to be just fine with it. 

Then I wend up to the Younger Guy's room and guess what? It's completely empty! The robbers hit there too! Absolutely nothing in it! Well, there is some garbage left on the floor, which of course meant that I got locked out of there. And again, the people don't seem to care that a room that was full of furniture last night is now empty. I'll never understand people. 

All I know is I'm sleeping with one eye open from now on.